The Epic Battle: Bottle vs Can!
We have all seen them on the shelf and some of us have sneered while others have cheered – the wine in a can. As a fun New Year’s Eve...

40th Anniversary of the Judgment of Paris!
Hard to believe that it has been over 40 years since the wine world came undone but here we are! What exactly am I talking about? Well...

Aging wine – Is it better to drink it early or to wait and let it die?
So you just bought this $50 bottle of wine and the cork dork behind the counter tells you that it is great now but will be amazing in...

What is a Sommelier, anyway?
When I told my mom and dad that I was going to take my love for wine into a more formal direction and become a sommelier (pronounced:...

Turkey Day Wines
It’s less than a week to Thanksgiving. You are hosting. Or maybe you are just going to that sister- in- law’s house who says, “Oh! Can...

Happy National Chardonnay Day
In honor of National Chardonnay day I thought I would put a little bit information out there for the “world’s favorite white wine”....

The Mystery of the Killer Red Wine Headache
Is it the wine or just the multiple bottles in my garbage? First things first. What kind of wine are you drinking anyway? Don’t get me...

The Case of the Infamous Sulfite Allergy
Sulfites really do get a bad rap. In a recent conversation with my mom – she was calling for a wine recommendation – when she uttered...

Wine help for Turkey Day
The following wines are pretty safe bets for your Tra ditional Turkey Feast. I have listed some producers that make the style that...

What a whirl wind!
Amazing how time flies when you are having fun. And who says working 12 hour days for free isn’t fun? Not me! Although I wasn’t in the...